Baby red squirrel ‘kittens’ explode all over the internets

This story is so full of cute and awesome I honestly don’t know where to begin: there’s the plummy accents, the fact that in Britain they call baby squirrels ‘kittens’ and then there’s the lovely older british lady, Eileen Welsh, who is caring for these baby red squirrels.

The four baby squirrels were blown out of a tree by hurricane Katia and were near death when they were found.

They were brought in to a veterinarian’s office in Alnwick, Northumberland, before finally ending up at The Sanctuary Wildlife Care Centre in Ulgham.

To start you off here is a video of the squirrels dozing together from Channel 4′s Youtube Channel, complete with a mobbing by paparazzi photographers at the end.

The BBC also did a full news story on the little critters as well.

The Daily Mail published this story which includes many more pictures and also has a very busy comments section.

The only sad part of the story is that The Sanctuary Wildlife Care Centre is in dire need of donations and may have to euthanize animals and close soon.

But who am I kidding, we are going to make sure that doesn’t happen, right? Heck, with all this publicity I’m sure those nice ladies who run the centre will be wearing monocles and driving around in solid gold Bentleys by the end of the week.

Update: posted this story which includes a video from ITN that shows more footage of volunteer Eileen Welsh interacting with the now famous baby squirrels.

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One Response to Baby red squirrel ‘kittens’ explode all over the internets

  1. Lisa Maliga says:

    They’re adorable & they kind of look like kittens!

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