Baby squirrels grooming each other

We spotted this pair of baby squirrels playing and grooming each other this morning.

They must be litter-mates.

I think the grey one is the one who has repeatedly wrecked my flowerbox, however I’ll choose to overlook that given how cute he is.

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2 Responses to Baby squirrels grooming each other

  1. Hana says:

    Very cute. Thanks for posting those great photos.

    I found your site after a random (for me) search about “squirrels grooming” as I wanted to see some real pics.

    I recently wrote a children’s song with a line about squirrels grooming and wanted to see some cute pics. :)

    I see you posted this a year ago. Are they still living near your garden?

    • admin says:

      Glad you enjoyed it.

      I also have a video from a few weeks ago of two baby squirrels playing: Baby Squirrels Playing.

      One of them has a short tail. We call him ‘Curtis.’

      And yes those two squirrels from a year a go still live in our garden. One of them really likes to dig, fanatically so. We call him ‘Digger.’ We don’t see them playing together anymore. Perhaps they grew out of it.

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