Squirrel lounging on a wire

To me it doesn’t look comfortable, but who am i to say?

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Squirrel hanging upside down to eat berries

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Young squirrels playing on the lawn

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Where Gracie spends the night these days

Gracie is one of our most regular visitors.

Last night we got to see her heading off to bed. While this is obviously a daily routine, it’s one that we don’t often get to see.

She dropped by on the front porch around 8:30 PM, and I gave her a pile of sunflower seeds.

After munching them down, she ran to the curb, looked carefully to make sure there weren’t any cars and crossed the street to the schoolyard.

She climbed up one of the old oak trees on the property and went to bed in a hollowed out branch 40 feet up.

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Baby squirrels grooming each other

We spotted this pair of baby squirrels playing and grooming each other this morning.

They must be litter-mates.

I think the grey one is the one who has repeatedly wrecked my flowerbox, however I’ll choose to overlook that given how cute he is.

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