Heard but not seen

It was a beautiful spring day today at the nutsaboutsquirrels headquarters and even though we didn’t see it, we know there was a baby squirrel out there enjoying the sun too.

We didn’t see him but we heard him.

Baby squirrels make a distinctive call, you may have heard one already but thought it was a bird.

See this video for an example of a baby fox squirrel calling for its mother.

The eastern grey squirrel makes a similar call, and the younger they are, the higher the pitch.

One time I brought in an orphan to be rehabbed and he called like this in the cab on the way. It was really piercing: high pitched and loud!

I think the cab driver was glad to get rid of us.

So we know the spring babies are out there now.

I guess they’ll be showing up on the back porch pretty soon. Be sure to check back later—we’ll post pictures.

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